Farming Simulator 19 – Could Not connect to Multiplayer Game

Farming Simulator 19 – Could Not connect to Multiplayer Game
I have been trying to join Farming Simulator 19 multiplayer games however every game I join i get the error “No connection could be established to the multiplayer game.”
Affects Farming Simulator 19 multiplayer sessions initiated from within the game menu and also dedicated servers initiated from the standalone executable in the game directory. FS19 Multiplayer appears to be built to rely completely on central infrastructure of the developer. So basically no way to start hosting a server and no way to connect to servers which were started before issues began (roughly 50min ago from this post).
These steps can help you to solve an issue:
1. Just make sure that your internet connection is working Properly.
2. Restart your router or pc.
Sometimes, it can be the server issue as well. So, just wait for few minutes and try again. Once you get into the game, there would not be any server issues.
Credits:Farming Simulator 19
You have to have a public IP when you host a server so if someone who is playing on hamachi with a friend hosting a game you cannot join their game.
Also make sure UPnP is enabled in the host’s settings UPnP is Universal Plug n’ Play which is how you connect basically
Yo tengo todo revisado y sigo sin poder conectar ni crear partida multijugador.
Una ayuda??
Still not working Azanaes…
Repioto, tengo todo revisado, UPnP activado. Puertos . etc….
No puedo crear ni unirme a nadie. no sale nada en la pantalla solo se queda cargando y da error.
Giant no contesta mis mail. no se donde preguntar ya.
Buenas Azanaes, Yo me estoy volviendo buscando solucion y ni giant hace nada ni nadie dice nada, solo he encontrado solucion para PC, Lo mio es PS4. Y el error que me da ami es que al intentar meterme en una partida (que ya jugue con mi amigo no me deja, en cambio a nuestro otro amigo si que le deja conectarse con el y es que cambie el rooter de internet. Alguien sabe que puedo hacer?
Yo me pasa justo lo mismo que ATI, encontraste solución?
open doors in your router. a same problem happen with a friend and i put the game working
Hola , Buenos dias necesito ayuda tengo problemas para entrar al server multijugador me dice. No se pudo conectar al juego multijugador osea no me deja entrar nose que hacer por favor ayuda
Buenas Facundo lo mismo me pasa ami, en una partida que ya entre, el unico cambio es que puse otro rooter de internert, encontraste la solucion? Serias de mucha ayuda Gracias
how do i start a multiplayer game when it keeps saying no connection can be established to multiplayer game? please help.
I cant join a multiplayer game
Me pasa lo mismo en PC con un amigo.
Que puedo hacer? :'(
iv compleated a map mod for fs17 my best 1 yet works fine in single player but wont sycronise in multiplayer..
any reasons 4 this
regards chris
Is this still not fixed? 2 of us bought the game today, keep getting the same error over and over again…
it is not December 2020 and I have an issue with not connecting. My husband has no issues loading the server page but i can not access it. I have read about port forwarding and that didnt help. anything else i can do???
I am not able to play with my friend we deleted fs19 and downloaded again but it still does not work pls fix this
We have tried everything Oning and offing UpnP It Does Not Work Yet And We Tryed Deleting Steam Deleting Farming Simulator 2019 but still does not work and Please comment if you have an answer
my brother host a multiplayer game in FS19 and i can see him and if i join he loads and show (no connection could be established to the multiplayer game) please help
yesterday i was able to play through multi player until i logged out to have dinner, when i came back i couldn’t even go to multi player anymore than the message “cannot connect to the server”
while I was able to play for 10 minutes and had no problems.
can someone help me with this
thanks in advance,
make sure ur clock is set right and time zone, this caused me no end of problems.