FS19 Money Tool v1.0 FS19

FS19 Money Tool v1.0 FS19
Hello this is my first conversion for Farming Simulator 19. To use the Money Tool, you have to press “=” one time.
The mod can be used as solo for the moment! Or you use FS22 money tutorial to boost your income in Farming Simulator 22
Credits:MX11, So
Dont work 🙂
press “¿”
yeah , doesnt work for MP
Worked great for me.
don’t work
Press ‘=’ to add money <=== NO
Because the key mapping in MoneyTool.lua only points to one key.
For "=" you need "2" keys.
Weil die Tastenbelegung in der MoneyTool.lua nur auf eine Taste hinweist.
Für "=" braucht man aber "2" Tasten.
change KEY_equal to KEY_0 then press 0 ingame…..
dont work
works great both in sp and mp
-Tengo uno que funciona pero no se como compartirlo. Sorry
-I have one that works but I do not know how to share it. Sorry
HOW? = does not work.
is working on win7 with this “`´”and “right shift”
press button * ¿ * to add money
I want 99.000000000.00000000 coins plss