GlobalCompany v1.1.0.0 FS19

GlobalCompany v1.1.0.0 FS19
Global Company – A large script extension for Farming Simulator!
GlobalCompany is the base for many scripts. No matter if production, warehouse or whatever – with this it is easy to implement.
– NEW: French and Russian languages added
– FIX: Shopmanager adapted to current patch
– FIX: DensityHeightMapManager adapted to current patch
– FIX: Added support for VertexDesign palettes for object info
– NEW: Registration for Filltypes and Treetypes in Mods
– FIX: Horsehelper adapted to Seasonsmod
– FIX: Gui adapted for very wide monitors
– NEW: more features for ProductionFactorys
– FIX: Adaptation to AutoDrive
– NEW: DynamicStorage
LS-Modcompany / kevink98, aPuehri, Eribus
why cant i get this to work, it says it is missing something in the xml. what can i do?
Getting errors for horse helper and place anywhere mods
Horse Helper doesn’t seem to train my horses at all.. but will gladly take my money. Using Seasons mod.
horse helper does not work with seasons
This won’t install in my FS19. I have tried plus I have tried the CTRL + G and it does nothing. What am I doing wrong? I have played this game since it inception so I thought I knew what I was doing. Please any suggestions would be appreciated
The file needs to be called Apparently some of the scripting is case-sensitive, and whoever uploaded to this site changed the file name. I was getting XML errors and it wouldn’t load properly until I renamed it.
thank you, fixed 😉
Hi can i play with this mod in multiplaer with my friend?