IDEAL Pack VE v1.0.0.1 FS19

IDEAL Pack VE v1.0.0.1 FS19
After the MOD has been modified, the harvester now has 2.5 million horsepower and a top speed of 300 km/h. The capacity has changed from 200,000 liters to 5 million liters, and the unloading speed is 200,000 liters/second. This harvester is ideal for land that has a large area.
Credits:GIANTS Software,Eagle355th,Otis Little Bear Modding
mod doesn’t work on server say’s Error saving the uploaded file
it works well on Multiplayer and career mod, but not on a dedicated server. it says error save file is there a fix for that so it will work on a dedicated server.
Hi, the 60m cutter how it works?