Lipinki Map v3.0.2.0 FS19
Lipinki Map v3.0.2.0 FS19
I present you the Lipinki V3 card! The card has: – purchase of fields, land, employment contracts, multiple purchases, traffic and pedestrians, etc.
– A duplicate tree has been removed
– A bug with tipCol has been fixed so there are no huge hills left in the field. Straw etc. is already correct.
– I hope the problem with the camera has been fixed and you can now play it with patch 1.2.0
Soon you will be able to play on this map on patch 1.2.0!
I have one question, where do I sell eggs here?
Silo info/quantities of crops not showing in main menu
It is a nice looking map, I love playing it, the field sizes are excellent. There are a few minors that still should be fixed but I can live with it.
Some improvements I would consider are:
– Less pedestrians should be walking around in circles…
– The grassland around the starting farm doesn’t’ allow me to place an animal pen, it keeps saying there are object causing obstruction even when I remove the bushes.
– Most of the trees are exact copies of the tree right next to it, should be some more variety or at least turn some a few degrees. (might be fixed in updated patch yet?)
– One last thing, is it possible to remove the huge amount of non playable hay bales in the barn and at some places around the farm so I can stack my own playable bales?
Still, it is a lovely Eastern European map! Excellent for some small farming expierience. Good job!
The sell point for grain at Gospodarst Wo Rolne W does not seem to work
Mam pytanie jak naprawiłeś błąd z kamerą (podobno miałeś taki problem) ponieważ na mojej mapie dzieje się to samo
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