Michigan Map 19 v2.0 FS19

Michigan Map 19 v2.0 FS19
Michigan Map V2 Updates:
• Fixed Double D Ranch, will take Lose Straw, Grass, and Silage
• Added Water Trigger to the map
• Removed Floating Trees
• Setup correct Default Vehicle in New Farmer Mode
• Added Buyable Land at Transportation Company
• Modified Transport Missions, they will leave from the Transport Company
• Made sawmill area buyable (Logging Triggers are still broke due to GIANTS Error)
• Lessen terrain hills and valleys in fields 14, 15, 17
• Soybean texture updated ( Still not 100% but better for now)
• Field 11, 12, 20 updated terrain, no longer flat
• Asphalt in town is no longer glossy
• Pioneer Train Trigger has been fixed
• New Farmer mode location has driveway textures
• New Farmer mode has been given fields 29 & 30
• Train Track Textures have been updated
Taylor Farm'sGiant's
if that map would have animals and opening gates in garages it’ll be best map ever
Great map but where is the barn at, that is in the picture of the map overview screen shot
Sellpoints dont show up on the map
For some reason this map is causing the sim to lock up then crash to desktop. Other than that…it looks great. Hope it can be addressed because its a great map.
Crashes my sim…hope you can fix it. Other wise a great map layout.
Sellpoints arent showing up
I almost returned FS19 because of the maps they suck, but held onto it. I knew better maps would come out. This is the map that got me into it again. GREAT flat map with large lots. Roads I can actually drive my large equipment and trucks on without getting stuck. Not perfect by any means, but as I go, I am adjusting the lot sizes. My problem is with the drainage ditches all around the land (Being from Michigan, is realistic.) which my tractor A.I. always get stuck in. I use the roller to adjust the lot size so the equipment can maneuver.
The map i was waiting for : large opened fields to test the Big equipment
On my side, this map does not crash my game and all seeling points are visible on the map. The only issues are the texture of soybean and more lags than on other maps.
The Drainage ditches all around the map make me a little bit crazy, but I guess it is realistic. Too bad we can’t place some bridges on them or put them underground with a grid to see them.
Thank very much for your great work !
Moin, there should be an update would be great if you could fertilize the grass mowing u. There are many areas that are bought but you can not mow the grass on it.
At the moment the best Map of LS19
Thanks for your work on this map. Having one problem. When cultivating, my tractor (with helper) often falls into the drainage ditch. This often results in the plow being lost. Although I’ve plowed/cultivated an endrow buffer, my tractor still often drives into the ditch. Please check this out. In addition, how about an update that makes these ditches less of an obstacle? They take away from gameplay.
it’s a really good map but the drainage ditches makes me crazy.
Seen a live stream where during one stream everything was working fine, the next all the roads were white and texture less, and all the trees disappeared.
I’m not able to plant any trees on this map. is anyone else having that problem?
Same issue here. Getting the error somewhere in the lines “To many threes on the map, please remove some”
Where can i sell straw square balls?
Loose straw only sold at the ranch
Cant sell potatoes to fritolays, it says i “dont have access to this area”
Great map…I could see myself spending hundreds of hours here. Nice work. I have a few suggestions (not complaining and I normally don’t leave comments but I feel that it’s worth my time to help you make this the #1 map for FS19 to date): Like most people, the drainage ditches cause many maneuvering problems and prevent connecting fields to make mega-fields. The fields all need some buffering around the edges to provide room for the AI to turn around. The Frito-Lay sell point should accept corn, since they are the #1 seller of corn chips in the United States (I was shocked when I trucked a load of corn there and it wasn’t accepted). The texture detail level for things like wood, gravel, roads, etc could be improved (some general realistic touches can put this map over the top). I can’t cut trees down on land I don’t own but some land cannot be purchased (like around the sugar sell point). You are 95% of the way there, my friend. Some finishing touches and this will be without a doubt the #1 map available for FS19 to date!
When does the michigan map come out for xbox one cant wait
The map is great, so far my favorite map for FS19. I don’t mind the draining diches, they just add to the realism. Yes they add a lot of pain in the behind but that all fine in my book. I just do 1-2 passes of the ends and then the worker is having no problems doing his job. And now we have Guided Stearing mod so all is great.
But I have two thing to mention here. I would like to see the buildings in the farm in the middle gone when I start Farm Manager or Start from scratch mode. I like building my own farms. And second after I installed patch 1.3 beta there are only 2 concrete and one dirt textures left in the landscaping paint feature. Also there is a problem with the grass, I sowed grass in field 8 and on the map it is shown in growth stage 1 but on the field there is nothing – no grass is growing. And since I can’t paint grass the only grass on the map is the one that the author added when creating the map.
Please look into these issues and make this map patch 1.3 compatible because I love it and don’t want to move to a different map! Thanks for the great work and I wish you all the best!
What buildings are on it. I would like to use the same buildings for making or expanding my farm.
Is anyone else having issues placing buildings? I cannot place any animal sheds, houses, and some props.
Some buildings are working, some are not. So far BernieSCS’s “MW_PLACEABLE_HOF_USA” are the only animal buildings I found to work, excluding the chickens. For Chickens the only one that worked are Free Range chickens, I forgot the author’s name.
i cant place buildings and i cant place any animal sheds, props or houses
Have you tried the buildings I said that are working? If those are not working for you I can’t help you but they are working for me!
Looks to me that the map has been forgotten by the author. And that is so sad as this is my favorite map so far for FS19. I moved to Jones Dairy Farm after patch 1.3 was released until this map is updated but by the looks of it the map is dead. So sad…