Mining & Construction Economy v0.9 FS19

Mining & Construction Economy v0.9 FS19
This is new version of the MCE map.
ChangeLog v0.9:
– Fix the error on log file marblepallets_box.xml: Y-Translation
– Add animations on bagger in Lithium extraction point (thanks to papa_SMURFINATOR)
– Adjust the sink when the machines is on top of materials piles
– RiversandP can be unload on the ground
– Fix the collisions on grape processor on pallets site.
– New train silo for recive all materials avaiable on the map (allow discharge all materials you put on the train).
– New warning board with the information where is the new silo for all materials.
– French translation (thanks to bricodx)
– Fix the build collisions on brick processor
– increased lift bridge width
– Create electric charge point for electric vehicles (premium edition)
– Add electricCharge as filltype
GiantsNonnus (me)FS MinerAll modders do the placeables i use on the map (credits is on the map)Global Company developers (LS-Modcompany / kevink98, aPuehri, Eribus)
Bonjour très bonne map .Je l utilise depuis longtemps et j ai constaté qu a chaque version les passages à niveaux a côté du port sont implantés sur la chaussée. Dans cette dernière version,le chargeur sur rails de la carrière de marbre a disparu pourquoi .?Merci bonne journée
this maps not working for me and i have everything used to play it years ago i downloaded all the mods except seasons
Placeables and filltype names are broken in english (at least) the were working on v8.1
This mining construction and economy mod is awesome. I’ve been playing it for a wile. But I did a upgrade on my computer. And i had to down loaded my FS19 game again and some of the mods. But the MCE mod will only down load so far and stop. Showing it failed to down load and i don’t know why. Do you know for any reason why my computer won’t down load this mod