NMC Griffin v1.0.0.0 FS19

NMC Griffin v1.0.0.0 FS19
The Griffin is a multi purpose truck for all your needs. With alot of options in tires and axels aswell as the quick change in attachments makes it perfect for any use. Tons of options for cab decorations, bullbars and lights to make sure its the king of the road.
Griffin Truck:
-Top speed: 90km/h
-Horse power: 520-730 hp
-Engine configurations
-Front 3 point (in config)
-Wheel Configurations
-Design Configurations
-Base color config
-Design color config
-Rim color config
-Tension belt support
-UniversalPassenger Support (PC/MAC only)
Heavy Haul:
-Adjustable 5th wheel (moveable forward/backward)
-Color config
-Color configs
-Color configs
North Modding Company
How can you put out a mod that is so buggy about Griffin? Possibly works in Singelplay mode. Should be banned for MP.
Chipper problem market!
Awesom Mod. Sadly the Chipper is not attachable. Also the Heavy Haul module is broken with most trailers. Are you able to fix this or instead willing to provide the original files?