Placeable 3in1 – Seeds, Fertilizer and Lime v1.0 FS19

Placeable 3in1 – Seeds, Fertilizer and Lime v1.0 FS19
You can place 3 bags for buy/refill your machines with Seeds, Lime or Fertilizer.
Works with Multiplayer
Free for use. Do not Modify. Created by El-CasT
Free for use. Do not Modify. Created by El-CasT
Passwort needed
Can you tell us the password for the download?
password would be useful
agreed but doubtful we will get one
Passwort bitte 🙂
password please
why in the hell would you share a mod and password it so no one can download it ? Obviously does not make sense SMH
It’s an author choice. I hope he will share a password with you
Link updated without pass! Have a nice day
wow all this and its a super buggy mod that does not work for anything but fertilizer lol
does it cost more than refular bags or is more expensive?
does not work in multiplayer, it shows in single player, not in multiplayer.
bad trigger for lime
It does NOT work in multiplayer: message “Uploaded file is corrupted”
5in1 AGROSmart Set 1.0
You can place this Set for buy some Seeds, Lime, Herbicide, Fertilizer and Liquid Fertilizer in Bags or Tanks. Works with Multiplayer
Download here:
Do not modify without my permission.
Hello El-CasT, I am happy that you joined to our community and thank you for your works 😉 I have updated this mod link to your original one 😉
Witam nie moge pobrac modu FS19 KOTTE UNIVERSAL PACK V 1.1 pisze że jest dostępny a nie ma do niego linku