Platzierbare Kuhweide/Milchhof v1.1 FS19

Platzierbare Kuhweide/Milchhof v1.1 FS19
Placeable cowshed
Tach together, Here is my dairy farm because LS17 for LS19 as Placeable object.
Cowshed + vehicle hall / Ball Hall
It builds on because of giants orginal cow pasture.
Price: 225000
Maintenance: 1000
This object is a bit larger than the original, but you do not have to drive around to manage it.
There is nothing more to say. Have fun with it.
What news in this version
file=”$data/sounds/prefab/gate/gate_loop.wav the sounds are *.ogg. Anyway big thanks. Keep the good work.
die einfahrt beim milchgebäude ist etwas eng