Toyota Land Cruiser 70 v1.0 FS19

Toyota Land Cruiser 70 v1.0 FS19
TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 70 car mod for Farming Simulator 19 game, pc version
Custom dirt/wear specular on most of the parts
Wheels selection
Color selection
Bed configuration selection (animations & collisions)
Lights set configuration
Extras configuration
I will leave you to enjoy!
Credits:Expendables Modding
Hey that’s a awesome mod for a Australian like me but could you make it possible for me to use on my Xbox one s thanks
hejsan skulle jag får errors utav ditt bilen som gör att hela kartan laggar mycket och game och loggen sägerWarning (C:/Users/volvo/OneDrive/Dokument/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/EXP19_Toyota_LC_VDJ76/Toyota_VDJ76.xml): I3D file offers ‘6’ objects, but ‘5’ components have been loaded! det var ena felet och andra felet är 2019-06-27 04:06 Error: Index not found: 0>0|13|2|6
2019-06-27 04:06 Error: Failed to find child 6 from node lights_set, only 6 childs given detta är andra felet
hejsan i would get errors out of your car that causes the whole map to lag a lot and game and log saysWarning (C: / Users / volvo / OneDrive / Documents / My Games / FarmingSimulator2019 / mods / EXP19_Toyota_LC_VDJ76 / Toyota_VDJ76.xml): I3D file offers’ 6 ‘objects, but’ 5 ‘components have been loaded! there was one error and the other error is 2019-06-27 04:06 Error: Index not found: 0> 0 | 13 | 2 | 6
2019-06-27 04:06 Error: Failed to find child 6 from node lights_set, only 6 childs given this is the second error
otherwise the car is really good and good looking
Where is the bed and lights configuration?
Can you please make Xbox one
hello i whant to use this mod but it will not show up in the section when loading the save were u can see all your other mods
Lovely looking mod, killed my fps once purchased even if it wasn’t on screen
i LOVE it!!!!! Thank you so much!!
may i suggest a single cab version its great already but that would make it perfect
Is it for PlayStation 4
My fav mod on this game!
Very nice vehicle but each time I get out of the vehicle it rolls away if on a slope. Or if I drive another vehicle or tractor on a trailer which is connected to it, it moves forward, very hard to use in any task.
Is it on ps4????
add an fps friendly version and a 5 post