US map v4.0 FS19

US map v4.0 FS19
US map V4.0 Ravenport edit by Barbicha.
In this version I have created 2 fully functional farms who are both your property in easy mode.
In the base farm you will find your chikkens and pigs.
In the second big farm near the lighthouse your have your cows and sheeps.
The horses are locaded at the stables.
I also upgraded your start equiment.
Al mods are included in the file ( the best is replace them all in your modmap, definitely the FS19_Large_Grain_Silo mod because I’ve adapted this a bit capacity and fillTypes )
Every mod you can sell if your wanted that.
Please keep original link
Placeable mods used by:
Ls Modding Pic’s by Dorian converted by Tom’argi
VertexDezign – Niggels
Giants BarbichaPlaceable Mods:Ls Modding Pic's by Dorian converted by Tom'argiReneVertexDezign - NiggelsLunchboxjuniorHNK/BulletBillRsonic30CrowmoddingcjwilksyHasco
I have noticed, that I’ve made a small mistake in the zip file. The actual folder is also in the zip, you should not copy this in the mod folder. Just delete them not the actual zip file of the map of course.The file is about 300 MB large than intended, sorry for that.
FS19_Large_Grain_Silo file is corrupted fix asap other files work
download to my fs19 mods folder