IFA W50 Multi v1.2 FS19
![FS19 Trucks](https://www.farmingsimulator19mods.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/fs19-thumb.png)
IFA W50 Multi v1.2 FS19
– vehicle configurable for desired swap trailers:
– W50-L/K (just back wheel drive) or W50-LA/Z (all wheel driven)
– W50-L/S just for semi trailers
– included swap trailers: tippers 2SK, 3SK, chaff construction of type “EAS”, sprayer Kertitox Global M, fertilizer spreader D 035 (also available as salt spreader if seasons is used), manure spreader SzF-5
– FS19 material system
– various configurations: i.e. colors, wheels, decals, beacon lights, motorfoil, covers, …
– animated driveshaft, pedals, wipers
– animated dashboard: starter switch; displays (lighted): fuel, speed, rpm, air, oil pressure, motor temperature
– control lamps: turnlights vehicle, turnlights trailer, battery, high beam;
– simple IC integrated (doors, windows+winders, hatch, motorfoil, turnlights+lever, lights+key, motorstart)
– universalPassenger integrated (passenger seat)
– manureSystem integrated (Kertitox hose connectors)
– many smaller bugfixes and intensive testing performed also regarding smoothless control by AutoDrive and Courseplay.
Copyright remains with respective modders (see credits).
Credits:- LS-Sonderbauten - Osttechnik-Freunde / Adolf, hier auch besonderer Dank für die aktive Unterstützung - FSH_Modding / Unorby ,Pali97, Mgtsz_haladas, kisgazsi97, Lenartf, Bence_Modding - scripts by Wopster (manure System), Realismus Modding (Seasons compatibility), Ifko