Renault Master IV Pompiers v2.0 FS19
Renault Master IV Pompiers v2.0 FS19
MOD FS19 – Renault Master IV Firemen V2.
Here is for you a new emergency vehicle to ensure madness guards signed Community FS.
Behind this mods are many hours of work. We therefore ask you to respect this work:
reupload forbidden
Please ask for any changes.
PS: You need the “Simple IC” mods in addition.
This V2 includes:
The configuration of sdis (10, 16, 25, 57, 67, 74, 974)
Equipment configuration (VTU, VID, VTUBS)
The configuration of specializations (Animal Rescue, Divers, Grimp, NRBC, Cyno)
Modification of the 2ton
-Error correction
Characteristics :
– Price :
– Power: 180hp
CommunautéFS Secours TschiZack Mod SPF RMBProd. Clemodding