FS22 John Deere 520 Flail Mower v1.0.0.0
FS22 John Deere 520 Flail Mower v1.0.0.0
PascalFSModding and I John Deere 520 Flail Mower from Fs15, with a Total Conversion to FS22 from Atakan. When I received Atakans conversion, it was bouncing in the shop, because the colision was too low n the ground, and it was barely impossible to turn with it attached to a tractor in the field because the friction of the wheels was way too high. Everything now work perfectly fine. Error Free.
Two version in the shop menu, one under: PowerHarrow Will cultivate the ground. (that version is the one Atakan wanted.
One under Mulcher: (shown in this video) the version I think suits the most this machine.
Go give Atakan a like on his page.
Merry Christmas to All
PascalFSModding: Original Model ReapersMods: Original Textures and Scripts And Part of New Script Atakan Modding: Adaptation of the model, Textures and SCript to FS22