ATC Container Handling Pack v1.3.0.0 FS19

ATC Container Handling Pack v1.3.0.0 FS19
V1.0.0.1, new mod
V1.0.1.0, for 20 ‘frames only center load
V1.0.1.1, maintenance update
V1.0.2.0, changes in HKL Frame to transport 2×10 containers
V1.1.0.0, rework wheelLoader fork
V1.2.0.0, added store categories
V1.2.0.1, GC update
V1.3.0.0, major rework
This version of the pack includes the following features:
New hits:
The logistics company can now be configured. Thank you very much
Ifko for the release of his Addconfig script
Agarwen for the Hirschfeld logos
Sprinter for the PCS logos
@LSMC for the release of the Global Company logo
There are two special features in this configuration:
All tools can also be configured completely without logos
With the myBrand option you can embed your own logos without having to change all XML. How this works I have described (hopefully enough in detail) in a tut. You can find it here: ATC Packs – create your own branding
bug fixes:
little things:
needed mods:
Uploading to other websites is not allowed.
Reproduction and / or modification of the models for re-publication requires my release.
Have fun with it!
Credits:concept, Alfredixmodeling, Alfredixtesting, Alfredix, Sprinter, meerstonk, grandpa Andre, ralfroehn, Legolas2905, Agarwenscripts, LSMC (GC), ifko (Addconfig.lua)
Thanks you