Farming Simulator 19 Release Date by Giant
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Farming Simulator 19 Release Date by Giant
Farming Simulator 19 release date: November 20, 2018
Farming Simulator 19 fans are just crazy. It’s insane how popular this game is. Even though the newest Farming Simulator 2017 games have been released just now, newest rumors between fans started spreading about FS 2019 release date. As long as there aren‘t any news about exact Farming Simulator 2019 release date, Farming Simulator series fans just began to debate about when that long-awaited moment should come. Even though GIANT Software Company which works on this upcoming game still hasn‘t announced anything important yet, whispers from all over the world started to spread very quickly.
An official Farming Simulator 2019 release date:
On the basis of reliable sources, Farming Simulator 2019 should come in autumn of 2018 as the same thing happened with FS 17 in 2016. Worth to mention that this information was also partially confirmed by GIANT Software Company’s representatives, however, there is no specific release date. Regarding huge Farming Simulator fans community, appears that they would love to see this game released in October. Yet, it’s still not officially confirmed and it’s necessary to remember that game industries often runs into difficult obstacles which consume time so the release date can be delayed anytime. As GIANT Company said, the most important priority is to provide highest quality product for all the gamers around the world.
Actually, it’s more than a right attitude. Most of the fans believe that only this kind of attitude is the main key opening door to completely success. Moreover, every FS fan knows what a big impact can be done while installing FS mods. Well, you can bet everything you got that Farming Simulator 2019 mods will astonish everyone making feel blessed while enjoying this inimitable game. Farming Simulator series becomes better within every game and when FS 17 had such a success, it’s hard to imagine what Farming Simulator 2019 can come up to.
Maybe it‘s very disappointing for someone, but GIANT Software Company remains silent. Therefore, at the moment the best choice is to be focused and wait till the game will be released. And it’s much easier to complete this task when you can always enjoy previous FS series which still keeps on the top of their popularity. So many new experiences and opportunities are waiting for you so feel free enjoying them.
All in all, Farming Simulator 19 is a modern agricultural game, which provides access for you to look after the animals, grow various vegetables, buy or repair tractors, combines, cars and much more. Want to live a real farmer’s life? Download Farming Simulator 19 now and immerse yourself into the adventurous world.
Farming Simulator 19 release date: November 20, 2018
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Credits:We dont have any information about the author of this FS25 mod / FS22 mod. If you are an author, please contact us or leave a comment below and we will add your credits.
I play fs 17 on ps4. I’m going name a few things I would to see in farming simulator 19.
1 more crops.
2 more maps from the start
3 better multiplayer improvement.
4 better ground response
5 landrovers and hilux
6 john Deere
7 more season weather
8 other jobs such as mercanic jobs on vehicles
9 different types of soil like if we get lot of rain have it if you drive a tractor on there when it’s wet it get stuck.
10 i would also like the follow me created for console
yeah i agree with you with everything. i also playing fs17 ps4
The problem is that John Deere have their own game franchise so it would be stupid for them to endorse their rivals
Agreed plus more agco stuff
Plus gleaner combines Allis Chalmers like wd 45 wide and norrow fronts and how bout a new Holland 575 small square baler
New crops too like cotton and oats
John Deere is a must Mercedes unimog. More pickup truck options. Customization and such. ATVs and side by sides. John Deere. Lawn mowers that you don’t have to pick up after. More options in missions. Animals need to be more interactive. Sick animals meat processing. Break downs. Equipment always breaks at some point. More interactive ground. Goats would be cool. Milk delivery and a milk tanker. Motorcycles. Interaction with the employees.
I agree more more more!!!
you hit the spot when you said john deere thats my favorite color(s)
yes i play it on ps4 really want follow me
and hiluxs
atvs and shooting pests
I play all the time on ps4 and i would like to see the following on fs 19:
1. John deere tractors combines etc.
2. Peterbuilts, macks, and kennworths
3. Dumptrucks and more relistick dumptrailers
4. More crops
5.Better animal features
6.bigger and more maps to start off with
7. More american things like trucks animals equipment
8. Better ground response (muddy dusty and also like clay sand and when u work ground make it look more relistic)
9.seasons in the game not as a mod
10. agco equipment
11. Massy equipment
12. Kuhn equipment like manure slingers and much more
13. Alis chalmer
13. Better balers ( little square , all sizes of big sqaure 3×3 3×4 4×4, and round balers)
14. Split screen
15. More relistic grain storage and bigger
16. Sign contracs for crops with mills before u take it to them
17. Somemore older equipment inthe main game with out any mods
Yes I agree there should be more trucks and cars download and i also play on ps4
I also agree
1… more skidsteers
2: more attachments
3:more kinds of truck such as dump trucks, loaders, and bucket trucks
4: more kinds of payloaders, like bigger ones and medium size ones too
5: more kinds of pickups, also to be able to pick out rims for the pickups, like fuels, or other types of rims
6: different kinds of wood chippers, bigger smaller, medium size
7: tow trucks
8: different types of jobs
9: should be able to pick out what you want to do like logging tree removal construction etc
10: more maps like snow plowing maps, city maps etc
11: stop weather threw roofs
12: should be able to go inside places like a house must split screen for other in the same game
2.the owner must be visible like GTAs games
3.transmission must be in manual and automatic
4.must add transport helpers like sending them into the selling points and storage
5.the owner must buy the furniture and get inside the house and store
6.edit names of employees and sign contracts
Im going to start play Xbox 1 I would love to see peanuts watermelons and cotton a gooseneck flatbed trailer and livestock trailer split screen
If you play it on pc you can download mods for those things even weed can be harvested
Same here
More crop beef cow’s more pickup and goose neck trailers older tractors and equipment bigger cow fields and be able to move from field to field
I like to chevy and dodge pickup and flatbed truck and dump grain trucks
more big 2wd drive tractors and all animals on the same farm
More animals on the same farm would crash the game due to the amount of detail that would be put in and you would lag out on multiplayer
i would like to see
tractor with u can open windows and doors
class and john deer
land rover
be able to live in the house
split screen
cars and vans
and fields with walls or fences around them
That is what mods are for
split screen i wouldnt like i have trouble with it but maybe some people dont
I think a better commodity marketing system would be cool. Like bigger increases and drops, and you can sell grain at a quoted price on contract before it’s harvested
I would love to have split screen so you can play with your friend and i would like to see John deer ford and goose neck trailers and have to buy your couches and chairs… It would be good with vehicle damage and cops around the map and make american maps like Gta 5 is doing to Gta 6. Also add smarter workers construction vheicles were you have to build the other etc. Have kenworth semis and crime.
It’s farming simulator not the Sims or GTA
I am in agreement with some things on that. Cops that can pull you over for speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road, etc. Damage to vehicles when you hit an object would be really nice as well, especially if the vehicle can be completely totaled, scrapped, then you have to buy a new one. Make the game a lot more realistic. The rest of the stuff would just make the game feel more like a sims game, not wanted, but the cops and damage to vehicles … great idea. I wish I could code and stuff. I would create a Mod for both FS17 (which I play on PC) and FS19 (Man I can’t wait till the release.).
spit screen please, me and my dad want to play farming simulator together but we don’t have a spear laptop or xbox 1, we always have to take turn’s which get s boring if there is split screen we can do many more thing’s and it will be much funner than just 1 player.
I would like it to be comparable with Ps vr where the vr let’s you look around and see the the world through the farmers eyes
Pouvoir jouer à plusieurs sur la même Map (2 à 3 agriculteurs) chacun sa ferme et niveau différents.
i play alot and i think more pick up truck options and better trailer options like gooseneck and enclosed trailers would be great and also more crops console support on ground textures such as gravel cement asphalt things like that would be great in the game the game needs trucks that a average farmer would really use.
fift wheels that actually go into the bed of the truck so its easier to hook up
Longer flat bed trailers with locking script would be amazing
Eu a dorei o jogo é muito bom gráficos e celentes como o restos das coisas
Ford dodge and chevy trucks with goose neck capability locking script lots of different pickups
They need to add backhoes, dozers, excavators etc. so you can actually dig and make level pads to build buildings on. They also need to add flatbed trailers and pickups that are compatible with gooseneck trailers.
maar er een gave game van mat alles er op en eraan als een egt boer meer gewassen het spuiten niet alleen maar kunstmest ook voor biologische gewas middelen en voor onkruid ook een melding krijgen als er moet gespoten moet worden voor welk gewas dan ook zou mooi zijn grote loodsen en opslag voor welk gewas dan ook enzovoort alles moet egt werken meer mensen op het erf net als een echte akkerbouwer of loonbedrijf mensen aan nemen voor werk tractoren waar de mensen in kunnen stappen om machines aanhangwagens aansluiten met aftakas aan koppelen met ronddraaiende stang en slangen aansluiten 27mc bak moet er ook in om mee te praten als je aan het oosten ben moet egt bruit zijn henders of knopjes aan zetten als je zwaai lieten of lampen aan zet als een echte boer
I think hiring planes to spray fields would be cool.
you should have ford pickup trucks with trailers.
I would like to see a road modification mod for xbox one
Caterpillar front loaders skid steers telehandles and for forestry excavator bulldozer and some cat attachments last we need cat dump truck
Chevy black Silverado and caterpillar we need cat front loader, telehandler, skidsteers and attachments also for forestry we need cat bulldozers and excavators one more thing for farming is cat dump truck
I’m play fs17 on Xbox one. More crops, more modes , more maps, the Ability to level ground and poor pavement so you can place building better, I would also like to see the ability to have more in depth greenhouses like picking what to plant. I would also like to see more things to do with the Crops that I grow Insted of just selling them It would be cool to like make other products out of them. I would also like to see a more of a market for livestock I like doing livestock but it’s really Not profitable for what you put in to them
Hi plz add some guns and maybe a battle royal so we can have somethings to do while the crops are growing. Also maybe it would be good to play where u can see ur guy like gta 5.
I play fs17 on pc they need to add first and third person to fs19
farming simulator 19 come to walmart and best buy
I play on the ps4 console. I would like to see more plats. Such as cotton, melons, tobacco. John Deer if possible.
More truck,goose neck trailer, construction equipment, mower, trailers, for the mowers truck with goose neck hitch and truck with hitches for the trailer
The way this game is set up is what makes it so awesome. Drastic changes like some you are suggesting would ruin it. It’s a farming simulator game.I love this game and it pains me having to wait for the next version. It is different from all the other farming simulator games. That’s what makes this game so wonderful and if there where major changes like some of these comments are suggesting, I wouldn’t play it anymore. Just my take on it. Thanks.
I think you should be allowed purchase 2nd hand tractors
1.john deer
2.if it’s muddy you can get stuck
3.pull out chain
4. Peterbilt kenworth and freghtliner semis
6.wilson semi trailers ih 620 dual wheels
9. Mining maps
10. Mods you can get on a computer and you can get them on Xbox any mod
I would like to see just 2 things really:
1. more Brands like John Deere (probably won’t happen since they have their own games), Mercedes, Claas
2. Dynamic Grounds
In my opinion, FS19 needs:
1. More realistical driving – Slower steering wheel spining, moving pedals and stuff inside, handbrake, slower throttle and braking.
2. Ground response – Like in “Spining Tires” game, but not too much.
3. Shaders and better enviroment graphics.
4. Bigger and more detailed maps.
5. More realistical enviroment – Narrow roads between fields, few cities or villages and big forests between them.
Pls add split screen!
Hi all
I would like to see
Class tractors n combines n bailers
In fs17 or fs19 on PS4
And few more English maps as well
I would like to see John deer, old grey and Massey Ferguson tractors and many more older tractors as base game class tractors more crop types and pretty much what everyone else has said and being able to sleep and eat food and have a family of your own being able to by more farm yards as well as field
on est pas dans les sims c un jeu agricole sa n a rien a voir d avoir une famille dans une ferme
I would like to be able to haul the milk in then it sells on its own
I’d like to see 3d terrain when working on it, especially when plowing, as well as 3d crops. I’d also like to see new types of crops, like cotton and more animal species
farming simulator 2019 suport
I am fan farming simulations 2019 game
I like game
Farm sim 19 needs JOHN DEER tractors and construction equipment Caterpillar logging equipment and construction equipment and dump truck’s and old tractors like Alisechamlers. And Oliver tractors and more crops and maps like Wisconsin and Ohio and more ponsse logging equipment and
ok the people saying add john deere……that probably wont happen because the can not agree on how much john deere is going to be paid it has nothing to do with rivals because case IH and New Holland are rivals as well……if….IF….and thats a big if….John Deere and Giants Software finally agree on how much John Deere is going to be paid….great….but if they don’t……oh well….trust me i live on a farm with new holland, case, and john deere and if it was up to me i would sell the magnum……..if anyone has any questions send me an email and i will try to get back to you.
John Deere is a must they should do cotton because is becoming a bigger crop and they need to fix multiplayer
I pray to god and every other deity that mankind has thought up in the exiistence of earth itself every day. Just to ask them all:
Please please please….
Make Rockstar Buy the Farming simulator content so that they can make it at least worth the money people pay for it. without having to tolerate the poor made mods.
Please let rockstar make it a good game where there is no need for poor mods.
I’d like to see an Unlock system, I find it less appealing if I can save and buy the best stuff right away. Give the game an unlock system to work our way up the tree. Its more fun!
Things I’d love to see in FS ‘19
1. John Deere (however unlikely)
2. Construction equipment to level ground for buildings
3. More truck options with fifth wheel trailers
4. More options for semis.
5. Split screen
6. More missions sets ( ie: truck driving for factories)
7. Cat equipment
8. More maps to start ( try the best map from each fs to date plus a new map to begin)
9. May be difficult but crossovers into the maps. Basically one giant map including all maps.
10. More animals with taking them to an auction to sell
The fs sims are awesome but they need deformable terrain in fs2019 for digging and making ruts with heavy equipment for me to buy it otherwise i will stick with fs2017. Which is becoming boring to me. I love excavator simulators personally. And fs2017 is far from that but has the user support for making mods. If only the terrain was deformable like voxel. It would be so awesome of a game/sim
I think if they love there’s fans enough, Giants should atleast try to get sponsored by JD, I play on Xbox one and I’ve been wanting a JD combine mod since fs15. Atleast make Mods of JD someone
mud that is nice (i think)
things id like to see in FS 19
1. creek crossings, if wet u may get stuck
2. field bins, to fill up with a chaser bin
3. excavators and more trucks, trucks with more horse power
4. split screen, so that you can play with your friends. only problem is that there is only the pc u use with controls so i guess u cant have split screen, make local wifi hosting so u dont need internet to play with friends as you can all join the same network
5. more missions, truck deliveries, etc
6. when it rains roads get wet and cars, tractors, trucks, etc have wheels that slip on the wet roads and could also get stuck
7. road trains to cart more grain and pallets, etc
8. bigger maps to have more fun on
9. loan up to 5 million dollars from the bank
10. transmissions to make it funner when driving
11. better fuel usage
12. if u crash your car, truck, tractor into something it can damage something
1. local wifi hosting so u can all join the game. does not require internet so you can play on wifi with no internet
one thing i forgot. i would also like more realistic sound effects when starting up equipment and stopping, also if you leave your lights on in your car, tractor or truck the battery in the car, tractor or truck runs flat which means you cant start your car, tractor, truck. that means that you have to charge the battery up or jump start it with another car, tractor or truck. also make it that you can get flat tires and you have to pump them up with air. over time the tires become weak and eventually need to be replaced with a new tire
1. depending on the field that you buy make it that it could be sandy or muddy and always wet or just a normal plain old field
my favorite real life truck that i have is a ford d 1314. its old and it would be fantastic if they added it into the game. i would also want added is more fords such as f350s and more, a bedford truck and more options with cars such as long range fuel tanks
i don’t know how they would make split screen on PC but please try to. it will be very hard as i don’t know how they could do this anyways. maybe this would only be best for Xbox and play station. i guess the only option for PC is to have your own PC and join each other. please make local WiFi hosting and for local WiFi hosting that you don’t require internet.
The should put John Deere class agco fix multiplayer more crops small square baler more animals more brands of equipment better American maps with Morton Buildings for consoles
Better maps and bigger
I play on ps4 and would like to see wet boggy ground that you can get stuck in and the ability to tow tractors with a winch. More wheel options like triple or flotation wheels and wide tracks to every vehicle. Also hedge cutting and clearing drains with a excavator
I play on yhe ps4 system and I would like to see more crops like cotton, oats, carrots. More Challenger tractors to choose from. Class and Gleaner combines
LAN multiplayer so that i can play with friends and family at home.
I agree with that
I would like if they made it so you can build your own cattle yards and have beef cattle. I wish they would put hog barns and John Deere in the game.
It would really cool if you could enter the livestock dealer building and buy livestock. I think case should add more stuff like planters and disk
FARMING SIM 19 needs a big nice American map
I will like to see in fs19 is well you can go in your home i will like that
put claas in fs19 and john deere
Sweden trucks like Volvo Timber and woodchip trucks. Exevators that you Can dig werever on the map.
You van move your animalas everywere on the map Were it is a animal ysrd and that you Can build a animal yard werever you want.
Im a huge fan of this game I would like for fs 19 have the following
1.fields with irritating systems in the fields u purchase n or buy to place on fields tht don’t have irrigation.
2.more semis with fifth wheel
3.flatbeds with piggyback hookup to haul bales n seeds to your farm etc.
4.more pick ups with more features as engine upgrade n wheel set ups like dually truck ram,ford,chevy
1. more crops such as cotton
2. you should be able to choose what crop you want to start out with
3. you should be able to have the option if you want seasons or not
4. more kinds of vielicals and a lot of different brands
Can you bring Kenworth logging trucks in to game and damage
ideas to add to game…..john deere , hesston, white , oliver, great plains, sunflower ……more maps, different breeds of livestock, more selling points on maps, sorghum, coffee, rye , oats, rice, cotton, tobacco, apples ornages cocoa etc……..thanks for letting me comment
Süper bir oyuna benziyor oynamayı çok isterim
Australian and New Zealand maps milk tankers Australian sugar machinery harvesters and bulk grain ports would be nice
Im a massive Aussie sugar cane farmer love fs17
I CAN’T WAIT I love fa 17 but fs17 JUST TOOK IT TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL!!!!!!!!!
IM BUY AS SOON AS IT IN EB GAMES/game stop!!!!!!!
I WILL BE RIGHT NEXT TO THE game shop when it comes out
Fs19 just took it to a whole new level!!!
I’m going to buy farming simulator when it comes out on ps 4 or on pc the pc version better be different then fs 17 I couldn’t even get on the pc version of fs 17.
I brought two fs 17 regular then platinum edition for the ps4 I hope that the pc version of vs 19 is better then vs 17 I hope that I can get on fs19 I brought the pc version first before I brought the ps 4 version
Like what some people are saying about the fs17 on PS4 can u please put these things on fs19
1.More crops
2.Have John deere machinery and equipment than having to download a mod
3. Have horses and goats on it cause they r still classed as farm animals
4. Claas machinery and equipment
5. Better multiplayer instead of 6 you can make it 10 please
6. Better maps more UK maps in stead of European maps
Hope u guys can make either fs19 or for late next year fs20 with these upgrades to the game
Thanks for your time
please add dodge and ford dually
I play on xboxone.
Please put class tractors and Class equipment in fs19 thank you.
Is there going to be duely trucks an goose neck trailers on console
i want the fallowing in fs 19
.merc actros
.merc atago curtain sider for pallets tools ecsetara
.merc axor hi ab lorry(with crane)
.cutomiseable scania new gen
.and you cant lease at the same bit
.scottish map .
curtain side and fidge articuulated tralers
Hey how about some old case tractors, the ford pack ,and some old john Deere tractors, and new holland with 200—220 HP when the game starts. We can not upgrade equipment with 145 HP tractors. You can put them in the mods, or DLC if you wish. I think I heard someone say the follow me app would not be in fs 19. I hope someone works on it soon. Also please keep some square fields. I know some do not like them, but I do like square fields.
Keep up the good work everybody. Can not wait for this game. TR
I hope that the brightness on the roof will appear on the back before you get a better feel of the game
I hope that we will see a big flat 8 grab to pick up bales side by side (3)
Like to see it come to PS4 be nice 👍
hi on my ps4 its says 1 day and 15 minutes now it said 1 day when I saw it at 8 this morning now will it auto start on ps4 straight away I pre-ordered it 2 weeks ago
I agree . definitely would enjoy it if it was split screen. My boyfriend loves fs17 and I would love to be able to play it with him so hoping fs19 has it.
crop duster on ps4
Hello sir have to download android phone fs 19
In android phone fs 19 realese date
How can download mobile phone
When are u guys going to release it in India
Fs19 Android game release date plz tel ….
Can we play fs 19 on android phone ..plz tell