John Deere 6R V3 FS19
John Deere 6R V3 FS19
Price: € 228,000
Max PS: 230/250
Max. Speed: 53km / h
Beacons configuration
new daytime running lights
new sound
clear grill with color configuration
color selection
Rim color choice with hub
New in V3:
-Decals for the bonnet completely changed
-All smaller motors inserted (from 6110R to 6250R)
-All configurations completely changed to Multiselector instead of the above color palette
-New part inserted on the air filter on the left of the roof, moves with the cabin
-Universal passenger built in
-All raised / lowered everything
-Own weights and front loader added in matching colors
-Tachometer needles changed: Illuminated now
New preview version from here
-License plate completely realistically rebuilt -> 3D letters with color choice or not
-Fixed black needles
-DRLs can be switched on and off via IC -> IC point on the light switch on the dashboard -> Animated light switch
-The steering wheel is now folded up as standard when purchasing
A lot has happened on this device. We hope that the time that has gone into the work has paid off and that you like it …
Credits:Agrardesign-Team [Tim2305, Agrardesign, The_Bautz, Haubi0105]
Cant fold the steering wheel for some reason, please fix
Cant down fold the Steering wheel, nor see any IC