Alpenland Map v2.0 FS19

Alpenland Map v2.0 FS19
Here comes the beautiful Alpenland v2 for you to download.
Hello dear community of LS19.
At Easter you get the Alpenland Map V2
To the map, it is the converted Felsbrunn but it has been completely redesigned with much love redesigned in every detail.
Why, yes I think it’s a shame that the maps are all built so carelessly.
Hardly any decoration, no realistic design. Where you could really do a lot with GE.
Look at it, drive over it there is much to explore and discover.
Lots of forest and beautiful landscapes and mountains where you can find cows.
To the farms, it was built a pig farm, a horse farm and a cattle yard and the main courtyard as well.
The map is error-free as well is the log clean.
Thanks to Jens Fialkowski, who helped me to rebuild the map as it has become and I can say after 3 months of work, a really nice map was created.
I wish you much fun with it .
Version 1.2
What you need.
Old Machine Hall
Agrar Reinland-Pfalz LS-19
broken link