Animals HUD v3.1.0.0 FS19

Animals HUD v3.1.0.0 FS19
Animals Hud displays all the details on the screen.
What is completely new?
+ Products of each product added (eggs, milk, manure, liquidmanure, wool) (liters “L” and “Kg”)
+ Automatic saving of font size after each adjustment. (Recharged like last used after restart)
+ Automatic storage of the display automatically after each adjustment. (Recharged like last used after restart)
+ Keyboard shortcuts now adjustable. Everyone can now use their own keys. ATTENTION! Set Keys in the menu first!
+ More translations have been added
+ Multiplayer tested
+ Adjustments and fades now only possible on foot.
+ Code security increased.
+ Keyboard shortcuts removed below each block. e.g. “[KEY U]”
Important to know:
The chickens and egg cartons are each only max. 150kg displayed.
The sheeps can only max. 1000kg / pallet displayed. Only 4 pallets can be placed here. Animals Hud displays the new wool pallet.
Animals in the stables
Cleanliness in%
Food in liters + current filling volume +%
Water, straw, etc.
You can choose yourself what should be displayed. Station wagons are also possible.
Chickens = ALT + T
Cows = ALT + Z
Pigs = ALT + U
Horses = ALT + I
Sheep = ALT + O
Make font size smaller = ALT + 9
Increase font size = ALT + 0
FOR UPDATE V1.0.0, the following KEYS are still active
Chickens = CTRL + ALT + U
Cows = CTRL + ALT + I
Pigs = CTRL + ALT + O
Horses = CTRL + ALT + J
Sheep = CTRL + ALT + T
Make font size smaller = CTRL + ALT + 0
Make font size bigger = CTRL + ALT + 8
The KEYS below each block indicates which key must be pressed to close.
Multiplayer not tested! Who can please let me know if everything works or not. Thank you.
If everything is ok and sparking, do not forget thumbs up.
PS: Is the 1st Script mod of me 😛 Thanks to BIGBLUEHH for his tip and MOD!
Have fun with it!
Uploading and uploading to another platform is only allowed with my permission.
Want ENGLISH translation?
Download English translation bellow by Fecker, but don’t forget to download a mod also!
EN translation:
Script: DeekayIdee / Konzept: DeekayTester: DeekaySonstige: 1st Script
Hello Deekay,
Great MOD, grats on the coding. Only issue with it on multiplayer is the ctrl+alt T will show the chat window and not the sheep menu. Also the ctrl+alt I shows 2 lots of menu with cow numbers and sheep numbers but only cow food types. (hard to explain)
Can we also have this in English please as well as german.
Hello I changed the lua file to English and wanted permission to post it on the site with credits to the author
Uploaded a translation here:
Its not the mod files, only the translation. Cant be used without coming here to the mod itself. If its an issue with the author ill remove the file.
Hello, thank you. I have approved your comment and added your video to this mod description 😉
je n’arrive pas à ouvrir le hud
quelle est la clé?
No multi language, no colors, not much use to an english user :/ where is the update? XD
every upload of this is the exact same german mod,