ATC Container Pack v2.0.0.1 FS19

ATC Container Pack v2.0.0.1 FS19
V1.0.0.3, initial version
V1.0.1.0, fixed log error
V1.0.1.1, maintenance update
V1.1.0.0, 40 ‘ColliFix, new skins
V1.2.0.0, disChargeNode fixed
V2.0.0.0, added 30 ‘, 45’ and gas tanks
V2.0.0.1, HotFix removed TensionBeltObject
This version of the pack includes the following features:
New hits:
Adjustments / changes:
Possibility to fasten the strap to the container.
The disChargeNode of the gas tank has been moved back by 0.5m
bug fixes:
little things:
The straps IM containers for holding pallets etc. are still active.
Error: Can not load resource ‘data / store / categories / category_objectMisc.png’ (Since GIANTS forgot to include the stock image for this category …, can be ignored)
Uploading to other websites is not allowed.
Reproduction and / or modification of the models for re-publication requires my release.
Have fun with it!
Credits:concept, Alfredixmodeling, Alfredixtesting, Alfredixsoundfix, CapoUwePCS Skin, SprinterHof Hirschfeld Skin, Agarwengas tanks, www.ego
Does not appear to be working on dedi multiplayer train. The containers become transparent and the train passes through them (train moves, containers stay floating without moving). Strapped in and all. I tried this earlier on single-player and it was working. So, I assume it is something about dedi server.
If any straps are still connected when you try to remove container from the train, the game locks-up completely.
Would love to use this mod, but needs two fixes… Straps are not working on dedicated multiplayer server. Containers are left floating where the train was, not with the train after it moves. Issue 2, if there is a strap still connected, attaching to loader/handler freezes the game.