Background Tree Arrays v1.0 FS19

Background Tree Arrays v1.0 FS19
Spruce up your backgrounds with Tree Arrays.
Many different angles and lengths to fit what you need.
Game Farming Simulator 19
Manufacturer Ninja Curt Mods
Category Prefab
Prefab Category Nature
Author NinjaCurt
Size 52 KB
Released 09.02.2021
Platform PC/MAC
Big Fields Farm FS19 PS4 not completely compatible with seasons mod. All fields planted late spring/early summer stops growing a 67% and stays in that growth state infinitely. To harvest, I have to remove the seasons mod. This map is more complete than others I have played on. You have seem to have an eye for details on the map. Very little field boundary issues. AI issues are very minor but acceptable. You also do t have too many placeable issues. I have played one map where I thought I was looking at a rather large and odd bush when it was a buried tree and was looking at the top. Haven’t rated this map yet, wanting to give you the opportunity to correct before I rate. I have a video explaining this issue if you like to see it. My email is It’s Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Bro what are you talking about?