Barrel Production v1.0.0.4 FS19

Barrel Production v1.0.0.4 FS19
Changelog Version
– Product weights adjusted
– Language files improved.
– Minor adjustments
Changelog version
– Russian translation added
Changelog Version
– Improved folder structure
– New categories added for a better overview
Changelog Version
– Price fluctuations for seasons added.
– FillTypes adapted to the “Uniform FillTypes” list.
– Prices for products adjusted.
Wood barrel production:
Produces wooden barrels from empty pallets and wooden boards.
Offers the function to create wooden boards from wooden beams.
Construction costs: 100000€ Daily costs: 10€
Capacity: empty pallets, wooden boards and beams 140000l (28 pallets) / barrel pallets and board pallets 450000l (90 pallets) / wood chips 50000l (10 pallets)
The barrels can be sold from version at the sawmill sales or from version at AgraZ Landhandel,
but the drums are needed for further production steps.
The mod only works in connection with Global Company, “Small sawmill and “pallet production”!
Required Mods:
– GlobalCompany (By: LS-Modcompany / kevink98, aPuehri, Eribus)
– Small Sawmill (By: ZoddelZockt)
– Empty Pallets Production (By: ZoddelZockt)