Bettingen Map v0.9.9.0 FS19

Bettingen Map v0.9.9.0 FS19
Here I would like to introduce you my first LS19 map. It is not a conversion, but a new building!
– 4th places for yards
– 3 points of sale for cereals / silage
– 1 sawmill
– 1 woodchips verkverk.
– 1 dairy
– 1 shop
– 1 weaving mill
– about 32 fields plus a few meadows to buy
– 2-3 woods
– 1 BGA (unfortunately not running 100% in the Dedi, should go to the patch 1.2 …) There are 6 places at the BGA to buy, so everyone can place a silo and the BGA Optimal use.
The map was tested on a Dedi server. Everything is going well, except the problem with the BGA, so I have registered at 2 outlets selling silage, so you can still sell silage.
Updates follow
PS. Thanks a lot to Miacat, Sven, Micha, Andi for testing the map
The fence and the booth on the farmhouse, hang in the air
Field 1-2-16 ther is no field info on them.. Possible to get fixed for the next update?
Field 1-2 and 16 dosnt show field info when i walk on them..
Moinsen =)
Als erstes ich mag map ^^
aber beim besuchen von manchen locations wie die BGA spawned man in dem abgabe silo xD
Aber sehr nette map freu mich schon auf updates ^_^
lg Mesrac
Could there be an english translation for the buildings please?
Also, I went into the pause menu map to quick jump to the building next to field 8 and ended up stuck inside it. The same happens at the biogas plant.
Hi, love this map, just a slight issue i noticed when you purchase 4, 5 and 6 there is a thin gap along the bottom side of 4 that you still dont own which is preventing the ability to chop down some trees. Thank you.