BIZON Z056 V2 FS19
BIZON Z056 V2 FS19
Changelog V2:
Model corrections (both pipe rods, hydraulic hoses etc.)
Changed sounds (some old sounds are in the files you can swap)
The short forage harvester is now multicolored
Improved driving position (still not perfect)
Visible indicators
Corrected lamps
Multicolor cabins (only the old one changes color)
FS19 Bizon Z056 V2
The bison includes:
header color
the color of the reel
the color of the strip
the color of the engine
the color of the chopper
the color of the rims
the color of the old cabin
cabins (two cabins, canopy and barriers)
forage harvesters (without, tarpaulin, old forage harvester, new forage harvester)
Wheels (standard, standard michelin, narrow, wide, two types of rims)
Ladders (short, standard, long, extended)
Decorative Straw
Decorative stripes (on the filter, in the cabin)
Decorative bubbles (large, two small)
Chute pipes (Chute, cloth)
Stickers (Old, New, Export, Numbers, Cockpit Stickers, Cabin Stickers)
Side covers
Header covers
Header reels (old type, new type)
Header drive (old type, new type)
Header field dividers
Warning triangle
Sieve tank
Keys (Additional straw animation)
Forage harvester
The entire combine
A fan
Engine fan
Several levers
Header hydraulic levers
Tube unfolding. Door and window of the cabins
Tank hatch
Engine hatch
Flap on the float
Side flaps
Concave lever
Forage harvester (The animation will only activate, the chopper will not start)
Folding the ladder
Model changes:
Improved power transmission through the combine and header belts
Thresher fan added
Sieves added
New sounds
Deus Volt, Giants Software, kilka innych osób (nie podaje nazwisk)