Bruks All In One v1.3 FS19

Bruks All In One v1.3 FS19
Wood Chipper, Tree Saw and Stump Grinder all in on. No more attachments needed.
As noted, removed need for attachments.
Added Tree Saw ability
Added Bobcat, Front End Loader, Telehandler Attachable.
Tweeked cutting/stump grinding target zones.
Fix some issues with lighting.
Reincreased cargo capacity to remove lose of chips when cutting larger trees.
P.S. Thx BigDaddy for your V2.0 as it got me looking deeper into how LUA files work, making the removal of all attachments needed, possible. I was not gonna post this version, but due to requests, here it is.
Credits:Shout-Out to dimanix past versions. Shout-Out to BigDaddy for past versions and even his current 2.0.Converted from FS17 to FS19 by SlimJim
Best tool to get rid of forrest fast!!
Only negative is:
– Cant sell directly to sell point, need to use trailer
– Stump grinder is the same to opperate as the original one which means slow, sometimes hard to find activation point and does not produce chip to sell
– Paint scheme a bit weird. Not sure if its supposed to be like camo, waterprint, weird futuristic art etc
es un exelente mod para cortar los arboles
Brilliant tool, does what it says on the tin! Thank you.
Note to slimjim: I found that I can buy this tool in 1x maps but I can not buy this tool in the 4x maps. Any solutions???
Is there anyway u could get it to work for the xbox consoles?
on the seventh day, the lord created this machine!
i use it every single time i play. it’s the best of the best of the best!
to bad the mod is only for pc not for console. So could be great mod but not at the moment
Hit and miss. many trees have no activation point or need fine control to keep it in position.
The pipe empties randomly after then initial burst. and the money you get is rediculousy high at times.
Please convert this to fs22. fs22 sucks right now with no forestry equipment