Canadian Production Map 19 v1.0 FS19
Canadian Production Map 19 v1.0 FS19
This one was build from an empty map and has nothing from the 17 production map. Only the name remains.
Buildings from the US and DE map were use to create it in most part. This one is 4096×4096 map multifruits with 46 fields ranging from 1 to 76 ha.
It has field and transport missions, log has no errors. I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you all.
Please keep original link.
Cannot mow Alfalfa?
can you please make LONE OAK FARM MAP for LS19 it’s the map that was on LS17 it’s a great map.
hej będzie super jak wszystkie opisy będą w języku polskim
there is no possible way to harvest hops, since there is no machine capable of storing it, the harvester-heads can cut it down but the machines itself can’t store it, or am i missing something in my mods?