Check Point Gate v1.0.0.0 FS19

Check Point Gate v1.0.0.0 FS19
The CheckPoint Gate
This was made from scratch with a few models borrowed from maps.
The blast gate opens and out swings the animated turret! Listen close to the sounds!
Window opens inside the shack and many weapons to move around!
Cage outback with a working gate so you can lock up bad guys!
Lights come on at night!
it also comes with;
A placeable wall that works best on flat ground
A placeable Concrete hedra (tank Barrier) You can move it around with muscle mod.
Movable sang bags as well!
this is absolutely sick and should not be in a game like this
I like it and I am fine with it as I am not a snowflake like you Geoff Thomson so speak for yourself in the future.
dude calm down, it’s just a mod. don’t like it? then don’t install it.
personnellement je suis d’accord avec Geoff, on est sur une simulation de ferme!!!! pas dans un jeu de guerre
dude calm down, it’s just a comment. don’t like it? then just ignore it.
I mean, you gotta protect the farm from zombies.
I don’t geyt ur problem “Geoff Thomson”. If u don’t like it, don’t download it and whine about it!
Standby for a battle map
strc si toto do sve kapsy
Wtf????? It’s a farming game ffs, there’s enough sh*te mods floating around. Do one and take your cr*p to call of duty or GTA. MORON 🖕
Buy border patrol simulator 19 now! Only 29.99.
why wont map let me save it for some reason
Wtf dude please make this mods for war simulator or so this is a freaking farming game giants needs to step in and ban you and others making war mods!!!
How do you down load fs 1o on ipad
I agree with Geoff. This is a symbol of oppression and tyranny. IT DOES NOT BELONG IN A FARMING SIMULATOR GAME. In my opinion the only “people” who like this are Nazis, Terrorists, and Trump. The site should remove it.
this mod is for those of us who enjoy the business sim side of the game more than the farm sim side. I enjoy both haha
Can I put these mods on xbox one and how do I do it ?
Oh yeah, just a mod about farming and agriculture….. Oh wait, no it’s not, it’s made by some script kiddie who doesn’t have any imagination beyond death and destruction and realises that some (in fact a LOT of players of FS) do so for the ‘calming’ effect.
So yeah, I agree, this shouldn’t be here, but the ‘owners’ of the site are only interested in how big their download base is (because they think it will make their appendage look bigger) and also have no idea about FS and agriculture. Then again shouldn’t really expect that much more for ‘kiddie’ owners/admins.
I don’t geyt ur problem “Geoff Thomson”. If u don’t like it, don’t download it and whine about it!