Confederate Flag v1.0.0 FS19

Confederate Flag v1.0.0 FS19
Hi. Here is the requested Confederate Flag.
Multiplayer support added.
You will find this under placeables in Decoration after you have added this to your mod folder. If you are wanting your country flag added, Please leave comment below.
Enjoy, Cheers, Cazz64
Price: $50
Daily upkeep: $1
Brand: Lizard
Category: Decoration under Palceables
Cazz64, Giants
Why not just make the naiz flag?
LOL you funny.
I’m looking for an historical national flag in the time period 1935 to 1945. Does anyone know where one might find such a flag?
Such a symbol of racism, slavery and national treason should be banned from FS19.
I don’t like it, it makes me cry BAN IT BAN IT BAN IT :'(. Someone get this kid a bottle.
Doesn’t Work In Multiplayer. Also, you should make a Gadsden flag.
My bad i mean MikeH
The south will rise again
Who, again, needs to “Get over it”?
you should make a ATHF flag as they lasted 10 years longer then your surrendering “confederates”