Cowshed (without outdoor) v1.0 FS19
Cowshed (without outdoor) v1.0 FS19
Hello together!
Today we provide you our conversion of the Giants-Kuhstalls (large) for the benefit!
In short, what was done?
– Wide removed
– Grass replaced by asphalt
– rampAreas changed (slope)
– strawplanes adjusted and tailored to the stable accordingly
That’s it for now, suggestions for improvement please in the comments
+ This mod may not be offered on other mod sites for downloading +
+ It’s forbidden to share this mod on other sites and forums for downloading +
Modell: Giants SoftwareTextur: Giants SoftwareScript: Giants Software , Bayern-AgrarIdee / Konzept: Bayern-AgrarTester: Team Bayern-AgrarSonstige: Ein großer Dank geht an Modelleicher, der uns dabei unterstützt hat, dieses Modell so zu gestalten mit seinen Tipps wie es nun ist!Ebenfalls geht ein Dank raus an Michl, der das ganze Projekt in die Wege geleitet hat!
server error #:
Description attribute missing in modDesc.xml
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Unknown file type ‘sings/mist/texturen/.mayaSwatches/’
Space character not recommended in filename: ‘sings/mist/texturen/Hofschild .pdn’
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Unknown file type ‘sings/water/texturen/Hofschild.pdn’