Cultiplow Platinum 8m By Stevie FS19
Cultiplow Platinum 8m By Stevie FS19
FS19 Cultiplow Platinum 8m By Stevie
Ok this is my FS19 cultiplow and it ploughs and cultivates in one pass. Added colour choice to body and rims, added rear beacon light, faster operating speed and full plough field creation support. This is not suited for tight field spaces as the turning radius is 5m and if the AI can’t make it they will do a wider reverse turn. Have fun with it.
Excellent mod, now can we add the cultivator, too the plaw
hey stevie first off glad to see you still doing some modding. Was wondering if you might be able to get a couple things into 19 that did not come over there is the 2 or 3 slotted sectional slotted cover that is normaly near the cows to drop straw/hay/silage for mixing of the power foods there is none of that in 19 atm. Also there was a mod in 17 called the fliegal milling machine or some such. you attached it on the front of the tractor and it would pick-up all ground items and shoot it into a trailer in 19 there is something like it called the pottinger mex 5 if you could mod it so it can be used on all things on ground and throw it into a trailer that would be awesome.
The Mod is cool but it seems that the cutivate don’t work, when finishing plowing the field with it, it says that the field ain’t cultivated but it is plowed.