Deere Country USA v1.0 FS19

FS19 Maps

Deere Country USA v1.0 FS19

Welcome to Deere Country, USA.

The map is based on the North-East part of  Waterloo, Iowa.
– Fields are laid out to match the real google location.
– An almost similar replica of the John Deere Waterloo Assembly plant.
– Map is Seasons ready with snow mask and custom Geo inbuilt(with Alfalfa).
– Foliage layers will change colors according to seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter)
– Custom lighting added, orange sunrise and sunset, darker nights, denser clouds.
– Around 40 fields, ranging from medium to large.
– 3 farm areas on the map with the custom cow, hogs & sheep pens.
– Start farm includes cow barn & hog barn with default vehicles.
– There are custom silos for grain and custom harvestor silos for grass/hay/straw/alfalfa in the 2 main farms.
– All farms have water and fuel triggers. I left out the house trigger so players can add their own houses.
– A BGA plant can be found on the south side of the map which includes 2 large underground silage pits.
– 6 sell points including wood, woodchips, cotton, milk, eggs, grains & root crops.
– There is JD Dealership at the center of the map, animal dealer, Farmer Coop for seeds and fertilizer.
– Alfalfa crop added that re-grows multiple times per season can be baled and fed to cows.
– BeanStraw and CornStalk added and can be baled, sold for a good price.
– Added sell point for chaff, for those that don’t want to mess with making silage like me.
– Transport missions are included.
– Custom crop textures by “forgotten plants” and custom corn stubble and soybeans in rows from CCS101 & NEFG Modding (Base map from CCS101).
– Multi-Terrain Angle installed, using 32 angles.
– Increased filetypes to support Seasons, StrawHarvest, maize plus mods.
– Map is completely Error-free and just 2 small warnings that are harmless.

Note: I do not take complete credits for the models/objects as a few of them are from fs17 maps where I did cosmetic changes to models and textures.

– I apologize if there are objects on the map that are not credited properly. Please drop me a message so that I can update credits. I would always credit people’s work properly.
– I would like to thank Will(CCS101) for helping me whenever possible during the development of the map. Helping me with scripts and much more.
– I would like to thank CCS101, DR Modding, MRG mapping, Serious Mods, Txzar Mapping for letting me use models from their maps.
– I would like to thanks LordThunderMonkey, David, Micheal, BatCaveGamers for helping me with the testing of the map.
– I would like to thanks Djgoham Gaming, Klutch Simulations, Farmer Klein for the support and map reviews.

Map Models & objects: Giants Software, CCS101, DR Modding, MRG Mapping, Txzar Mapping, CBJ Midwest Modding, Serious Mods, NoCreekFarms, NEFG Modding, Antler22, CSA Modding, PM-Modding, FS-UKGiants, RWModding, Fatian and TSM, Rory Kain, and 4MR modding.
Scripts: LS-Modcompany/kevink98, LKX/Stegei, Evgeny Zaitsev, TracMax, CCS101.

What is this Farming Simulator 25 / 22 mods use for:

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Best FS19 Maps mods

6 Responses

  1. Dane says:

    Who is this for

  2. ProfessorRob says:

    Hello, when I loaded this map on single player game, I cannot move once the game loads. None of the buttons work after the game loads in. It prompts me that it’s early spring and time to plant like always. I can left click that pop up away, but then nothing works. AI cars still go down the road and it’s raining. Sounds are working, but not a single input key work on my keyboard or controller. I’ve closed and restarted the game and still the same thing.

  3. ProfessorRob says:

    Is there any particular reason why you made the map so you can’t cut some of the trees with a saw? For example between fields 14 & 15, you cannot cut the brown trees to combine that field into one larger one or make two medium size square fields out of it. We wanted to make a eastwest road out of the NW corner of the farm across those fields and split a north half and south half of 14/15. We can’t cut the trees though…

  4. Brian says:

    Not sure why this map will not show after I open the game, I have downloaded, installed and uninstalled multiple times but to no avail. Are we supposed to pull it into the mods folder or somewhere else?

  5. Dylan says:

    No aparecen los animales cuando los pompro

  6. Dylan says:

    No aparecen los animales luego de comprar

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