FS19 Maps


Since we noticed that the helper was not functional everywhere, a little fix here, you don’t have to start a new savegame !!!
Something is always whoever is modern or a maper who knows what it means !!
It can happen something like that.

Moin Dear LS community,
Here you can see our new map project .. The Map LS19_Deutsche_Heimat V1.0
This card is constantly being developed.
It is a large map with 16.7 square kilometers as usual, it offers 228 arable areas where grassland is already included in the field missions, plus several forest areas, biogas plants and 9 flat free farm slabs (a total of 255 buyable areas)
The map is also prepared for seasons.
Among other things, it also contains the fruits: millet, poppy seeds, spelled and rye.
There is not yet a starting yard for the single player, but it will come.
As usual from us a great map for large-scale multiplayer games.
You can buy seeds, fertilizer and lime at most sales outlets under the green silos.
No productions are built in because in our opinion it makes no sense, if you would like this you can install the GC and place the branches yourself (there is enough space).
We are always available for suggestions for improvement.
For stupid comments NOT.
Sincerely, 0815Mods & Gaming.

Flo0815, Sven Lakemeier, Farmer Fabi. Many thanks also to Jasmine and Timo who put our map through its paces.

What is this Farming Simulator 25 / 22 mods use for:

Farming Simulator game is so great that is hard to believe that it could be even greater. However, it can be if you play this game with mods! You can have more fun simply installing Farming Simulator 25 mods / Farming Simulator 22 mods. The game became so popular because of supporting mods! What is more, all FS25 mods / FS22 mods are completely free. Every mod has different designation and when there’re so many of them, until you’ll try it you can only imagine what the limits of this game are. So many improvements new tractors and more are waiting for you until you download all of Farming Simulator 25 mods / Farming Simulator 22 mods. Create your own combination of FS 25 mods / FS 22 mods and see how it works in game. Maybe you’re the one who will create a perfect game which doesn’t have any issues. So why don’t you try. Download and install these LS 25 mods / LS22 mods and create your Farming Simulator 25 / Farming Simulator 22 game. Welcome to the biggest Farming Simulator modding community! If you like this mod, please comment bellow.

Best FS19 Maps mods

4 Responses

  1. jose says:

    The sell points don’t show up in the map or they don’t exist into the map.

  2. Richard says:

    no sell points what did i wrong ?

  3. victor says:

    hello on the map I do not see the points of sale
    How can I make them appear?

  4. Penge91 says:

    Nincs kész a térkép! Nincsenek megadva az eladó helyek, sem az árak!
    + Van benne egy Bug ami mászkál a térképen.
    Kezdésnek a bolt kapujába van. utánna mindig máshol található meg a térképen!
    Így hogy lehet ki adni egy map-ot???

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