F350 Single cab dully v1.0 FS19

F350 Single cab dully v1.0 FS19
This truck was made by the Expendables modding team they did a very good job
Power: 400
Maximum Speed: 120
Price: 21995
Brand: FORD
Category: cars
Credit to all original modders of part or scripts used.
Especially our mod team The Expendables!
Also credit to
Back Street Boys Modding for frame and semi hitch.
Js Customs
Special thanks to
David Fructuoso
Jay Johnson
Anthony Roark
Hunter Bigham
Ben Austin
Jacob Denicola
Expendables modding
Will it come to console?
Will it ever be on Xbox one we need new trucks a d trailers
ok so to answer this in as much depth as possible in a helpful fashion.. to begin with as a general rule of thumb giants doesn’t make mods.. there have been a few exceptions to this but most all examples of this exception have been implements that were in the base game in previous editions of fs that giants “ported” over and r loosely called mods.. other reasons y what u r asking is either hard or simply may not happen include but r not limited to performance limitations of consoles as they pertain to the current farming simulator game engine, scripting restrictions imposed by sony and Microsoft as they do not allow scripts that r not included in the base game to be uploaded.. examples of these types of user made scripts would be things like follow me/gps/courseplay/special map or machine functions/etc, giants has a pretty rigid standard and testing process to insure standard is adhered to (no one knows for sure what exactly this entails as giants stay pretty tight lipped about their testing process), mods take a huge amount of time.. the more “great” the mods r the harder and more time consuming they r to create.. one of our modders who stays in regular communications with us about the progress of his work kinda kept tabs and let us know.. he literally has thousands of hours invested into one project, and simply put some mod authors don’t want their mods uploaded to console or in some cases giants modhub in general for various reasons.. to sum it up it really isn’t as simple as porting mods to consoles.. I came into this expecting similar to what xbox had in terms of availability with FO4 but it seems giants learned from many of the mistakes Beth made in their venture into console supported modding.. in the end consoles users have 2 choices.. either be patient and hope for the best as maybe with time will come a larger selection of more complex mods for console users or save your money like I did last month and get u a nice lil gaming pc.. I hope this helps break some of the confusion down so its better understood and helpful.. happy farming
NIce. But would have liked a progressive engine sound when driving.
So… if it’s a single rear wheel it’s not a dually… Yes it’s a 1 ton but you can get 1 ton’s in either single or dual, SRW vs DRW.
Need’s variable transmission sounds and the blip doesn’t show up for this vehicle on the maps
great improvement over the crew cab that thing tips over like a drunk whore on skates
amazing it works and looks good doing it. One issue for it doesn’t get dirty lol. Thank you
– repair the back door
– repair the loading of pallets because they hang in the air
– remove this canister for fuel.
Thats messed up -_- you would think they’d atleast do an open submission thing so guys like your buddy whos got all those hours in the mod can atleast try and get in, personally I wouldnt even care if it was a paid mod and im sure the creators would be more apt to submit there stuff if they where makein some bank
I wish that mod could be on ps4 it’s not fair, on pc you have an advantage to download mods
That are not on the game, it would be fair to have more cars and other machines on ps4 like pc.