Farming Simulator 19: CLAAS & Dynamic Soil, All Features from the E3

Farming Simulator 19: CLAAS & Dynamic Soil, All Features from the E3
The Farming Simulator 19 will be released in fall 2018 for PC (Windows / Mac), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. An exact date is not fixed yet, so among other things on Amazon the 28.12.2018 is registered as placeholder.There are two different editions listed for the PC: the “Day One” edition and the “Collector’s” edition (collector’s edition).
For the consoles (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) “only” the standard edition (without bonuses) is available for the price of € 49.99.
– New types of fruit: oats, cotton
– horses can be ridden; however, they can only be kept in limited numbers.
– Dogs are there as a buddy of the farmer.
– plants bend in the Farming Simulator 19 while driving over it. Also, they no longer go “through” the cabin.
– The user interface has been revised (including more transparency) and expanded. Basically, it is based on the same design as the FS17.
– Birds have been added to the environment, sometimes following the seed drill. They do not affect the gameplay.
– In the shop there is now a 3D preview of the equipment.
– The interior of the vehicles has been equipped with new animations: The character moves when steering, accelerating, braking.
– Weed control is now a separate feature of the game. Weeds are visible and must be removed before harvesting.
– Forestry is still part of the game. The crane control of the Scorpian King has been simplified.
– Fruit destruction is now part of the game (without mod) from the beginning. This feature can also be disabled if desired.
– Dynamic ground will not make it in the Farming Simulator 19, because the developers are not satisfied with their own implementation. One wants to implement it either “correctly or not at all”.
Previously confirmed new brands / licensees (vs. the FS17 + DLCs): John Deere, Elmer’s Haulmaster.
Furthermore, among others (confirmed license partners): Case IH, New Holland, Challenger, Fendt, Massey Ferguson, Valtra, Deutz-Fahr, Krone, Horsch, ROPA, Kuhn, Ponsse …
Basically, however: The vast majority (maybe all ) License partners from the LS17 will continue to be included in the FS19.
Since Claas is probably the most requested brand after John Deere, we asked Claas for a statement: “CLAAS and GIANTS are talking intensely to each other. However, since we do not make any statements about current development projects, we unfortunately have to ask for
your patience. ” We do not currently expect that Claas will be part of the FS19 right from the start. THE big new brand is John Deere!
First equipment known: AGCO / Fendt Ideal combine harvester, John Deere 8400 R tractor, Horsch cultivator, Elmer’s HaulMaster transporter (models unknown) and the Case IH Module Express 635 cotton harvester.
eil des Spiels (ohne Mod). Dieses Feature kann auf Wunsch auch deaktiviert werden.
– Dynamischer Boden wird es nicht in den LS19 schaffen, da die Entwickler mit der eigenen Umsetzung bisher nicht zufrieden sind. Man möchte ihn entweder „richtig oder gar nicht“ umsetzen.
Bisher bestätigte neue Marken/Lizenzpartner (gegenüber dem LS17 + DLCs): John Deere, Elmer‘s Haulmaster.
Weiterhin unter anderem dabei (bestätigte Lizenzpartner): Case IH, New Holland, Challenger, Fendt, Massey Ferguson, Valtra, Deutz-Fahr, Krone, Horsch, ROPA, Kuhn, Ponsse…
Grundsätzlich gilt aber: Die allermeisten (vielleicht auch alle) Lizenzpartner aus dem LS17 werden auch weiterhin im LS19 enthalten sein.
Da Claas nach John Deere die wohl am häufigsten gefragte Marke ist, haben wir Claas um ein Statement gebeten: „CLAAS und GIANTS sind intensiv miteinander im Gespräch. Da wir grundsätzlich jedoch keine Aussagen zu aktuellen Entwicklungsprojekten machen, müssen wir Sie leider noch um etwas Geduld bitten.“
Wir gehen aktuell nicht davon aus, dass Claas von Anfang an im LS19 dabei sein wird. DIE große neue Marke ist John Deere!
Erste Gerätschaften, die bekannt sind: AGCO/Fendt Ideal Mähdrescher, John Deere 8400 R Traktor, Horsch Grubber, Elmer‘s HaulMaster Überladewagen (Modelle unbekannt) und der Case IH Module Express 635 Baumwollernter.
Landwirtschafts-Simulator 19: Statements zu CLAAS & dynamischen Boden, ALLES von der E3
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Is claas farming simulator 19 cuming to playstation 4 and Xbox one!!