Farming Simulator 19: Publisher announces new graphics engine!
Farming Simulator 19: Publisher announces new graphics engine!
So far GIANTS relies on the in-house engine – soon not anymore? Or have you developed a new engine ..?!
In the annual report, the non-German-speaking publisher “Focus Home Interactive” announced the Farming Simulator 19 with a new graphics engine. The new graphics engine should even be able to keep up with leading products.
Excerpt from the official press release in English:
“Farming Simulator wants to get back in its 19th version, with important new features anticipated by the game’s fans and a new game engine that will yield visuals close to the best productions on the market.”
This all fits in with the information published so far – a few weeks ago there was talk of a “nearly photorealistic graphics”.
In addition, on the “WhatsNext” event of the publisher at the stand of the agricultural simulator (plastic) horses were to see … if that means that horses will be included in the LS19, but has not been officially confirmed ( ).
So it remains exciting – we keep you always up to date!
Im Jahresbericht hat der für den nicht-deutschsprachigen Raum zuständige Publisher “Focus Home Interactive” den Landwirtschafts-Simulator 19 mit einer neuen Grafik-Engine angekündigt. Die neue Grafik-Engine soll sogar mit führenden Produkten mithalten können.
Auszug aus der offiziellen, englischsprachigen Pressemitteilung:
“Farming Simulator will also be back in its 19th version, with important new features anticipated by the game’s fans and a new game engine that will yield visuals close to the best productions on the market.”
Das passt alles mit den bisher veröffentlichten Informationen überein – bereits vor einigen Wochen war die Rede von einer “nahezu fotorealistischen Grafik”.
Zudem waren auf dem “WhatsNext”-Event des Publishers am Stand des Landwirtschafts-Simulator’s (Plastik-)Pferde zu sehen… ob das nun heißt, dass Pferde im LS19 enthalten sein werden, ist allerdings noch nicht offiziell bestätigt worden (
Es bleibt also spannend – wir halten Euch natürlich stets auf dem Laufenden!
Credits:FS19 Mods