Farming Simulator 19 – Things we would like to see!

Farming Simulator 19 – Things we would like to see!
Quick Video on my top 10 things i think we would all like to see in the next release of Farming Simulator.
As the Title says the what features/things would you like to see in the next release of Farming Simulator, Now i know were only 5 months into the release of Farming Simulator 17, but no harm is asking right…………. Below are just 10 and the number is a BIG MUST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Weather/Season
2. Real Time Reflections
3. Better Ground Response
4. Overrall Better Graphics (FS17 Graphics are Awsome BTW)
5. Better MP experience
6. Better Interaction with Animals and more Animals (Beef/Goats and so on)
7. More fruit Types
8. Better Dirt Textures (I want to see Muck on my Muck Spreader)
9. More Maps released with the game on release date
10. John Deere
Fresh Eggs!
Mi-ar placea sa vad mai multe rase de vaci,oi și porci ,să fie macar trei rase de vaci pentru lapte și trei rase de vaci pentru carne și să aibă fiecare rasa de vaci sa aibă un alt preț,as vrea mult să văd asta in fs19 .
Mi-ar placea sa vad mai multe rase de vaci ,oi și porci ,și să fie cel puțin trei rase de vaci de lapte și trei rase de vaci de carne,și fiecare rasa să aibă prețul diferit .
1. land rovers
2. john deers
4.more types of animals
5. be abel to move animals to different fields
6. more types of vechials in shop
7. able to buy used vechails
9. ground response
11. more maps
12.better mp experience
13. more intelligent workers
14. different things like cinemas and shops
15. follow me add on