Fendt Favorit 500 tractor – shadow lights v1.0 FS19
Fendt Favorit 500 tractor – shadow lights v1.0 FS19
All lights (except interior) cast shadows.
This is more a “proof-of-concept” than anything but I want to show people what’s possible and inspire them to do this to their mods. Giants only has the sun, moon, some work lights, and some Ravenport pier lights cast shadows, resulting in a mostly stale and flat-looking environment at night. Hopefully a mod that applies castShadowMap=”true” to all vehicles and map tags will eventually be made but, for now, it must be done manually for each vehicle, building, placeable, object, map, etc. So annoying!
Backup your current \data\vehicles\fendt\favorit500\favorit500.i3d and copy this one in. Enjoy!