FERDA LOGGING Norhtwest BC Logging Map v1.0.0.1 FS19

FS19 Maps

FERDA LOGGING Norhtwest BC Logging Map v1.0.0.1 FS19


Public testing of the map the team at Ferda is working on.
Sorry for the issues with the first file hopfully this corrects it.

ColtaniumwonderEskimoNitzFerdaloggingKSTALL THE FS COMMUNITYsome of the ats community as well.

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Best FS19 Maps mods

7 Responses

  1. NickerSnicker says:

    So far 6 hours on map. I see great things for this map, even in this early stage.

  2. Sheldon Tromp says:

    I like seeing the first Western BC map. It has allot of great details. However you also have some huge issues. No overlay map, so no idea where I am going. Your stop signs are bigger than traffic speed signs. The Canada flag looks terrible. It looks like its sliced all over. You have no starting vehicles which forces a player to buy or lease something to even be able to move around map. I am not sure if there is even any fields to farm, or this is just a logging map. The last thing which I experienced was I followed your highway over two bridges, and then I found your end of the map with a road ending over the end of the map. Whenever you make a level, map, or game you need to not allow players to experience the end of the level or map boundary unless your going for that type of game to break 3rd person. You need to have a closed road etc way back to make users know you can’t follow the road. I was following the road thinking it wrapped around the water to get me able to drive on the other side. overall you have the start of a great map. I love the hills and valleys and details I see all over. The shipyard with a ship is a great touch, but the water needs to be changed to look like an ocean. Seeing clear water with an freighter makes no sense at all. Your little Canadian touches like Tim Horton’s are amazing. I look forward to seeing more of your map as you edit it, and I am happy to help with suggestions. I am sick of all these American maps which are flat open areas with square fields and lot’s of industrial looking buildings, and no hills or valleys. The last most important thing your map needs besides roads to take you around the map, but you need to add the mud and mud gameplay features that some map designers have created on nexus gaming mod. The designer has made a starter map for people to learn how to use mud.

    I was a game designer and I love level design.. I debated on making my own map, back in Farming Simulator 2017, butr I found the Churn map already had everything I wanted so I didn’t see the need.

  3. Eric Norwood says:


  4. Eric Norwood says:

    can we get an fourweeler

  5. Eric Norwood says:

    what is the pressure washer

  6. Brad says:

    Hello, I was just reading the read me text after downloading your map (Which is awesome btw) and was wondering if you would be interested in making a 2010 F-150 for fs19 like the famous one from Fs15

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