FS22 Ballam Rd Dairy Farming v1.1.0.0

FS22 Maps

FS22 Ballam Rd Dairy Farming v1.1.0.0

Welcome to Ballam Rd Dairy Farming based in north west England.

New calving shed
New up to date parlour
New grass and meadow textures with longer grass
New ground textures throughout the map
Moved the milk collection point at the rear pasture
New farmhouse model
smaller cattle nav meshs to reduce lag
New wider planks on Newcattleshed to reduce lag
lots of extra detail
4 new types of hedge to reduce lag
New house building models
Village has had a new makeover
Sign posts added throughout the map
Manure spawn point for Sideshed moved
2 new map borders to give a more natural feel
On a new save 1st cut silage is already cut and covered in the silage clamp, you also start with hay and straw bales leaving less work to do on day one
Gate collision fixes
Outer land is now free to purchase
Prices have been increased for the Pemberton Farm shop
Ground textures completely remade on the second farm called HomeFarm
You now own the horse manure pit at HomeFarm and it already contains manure
New roof designs on buildings in the farmshop area to reduce lag
Dividing wall removed from the shed opposite the New cattlesheds
Extra road markings added
New save required

Geo and crop calender based from Blackpool England
2 owned farms containing 5 cattlesheds and 5 cattle pastures
Pastures have been loaded with 1 years supply of hay to simulate grazing and to enable milk production
Begin the game with 120 dairy cows and 100 beef cattle
Farm shop and dairy at starting farm
No sleep trigger allowing you to place a doormat and live at any house on the whole map
6 sell points
25 fields
5 Custom built Cattlesheds
5 Custom build Cow Pastures
Custom soil map from taken from Birks farm and Home Farm area’s
Contracts installed into the map
All the cattle pastures can be sold to allow for placing your own animals
Large buildable area in the second farm
Special thankyou to AlienJim for allowing me to use his parked vehicles mod and a huge thankyou to MrFarquar for all his help with building this map and testing along with Mafia X Phantom

I hope you all enjoy my first map

FS Landscaping

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