FS22 Combine Pack V4.0.0.0

FS22 Combine Pack V4.0.0.0
A combine pack with an ideal and cutter and a ropa mouse with potato and sugar beet harvester
Version 4.0
Fendt ideal:
Steering angle increased to 45 degrees
Tank to 1800 l
consumption reduced at max use
motor configuration 1 153 l max per hour
motor configuration 2 172 l max per hour
motor configuration 3 192 l max per hour
motor configuration 4 255 l max per hour
working spotlights on 80m range
max speed 60 kmh
repair interval increased
Increased steering angle
consumption reduced
tank 1800 l
repair interval increased
v max 60 km / h
Big X
steering angle increased
consumption reduced
tank 1800 l
repair interval increased
v max 60 km / h
consumption reduced
tank 1800 l
repair interval increased
v max 60 km / h
all work lights increased