FS22 Crown BigX 1300 prototype v1.5.0.0

FS22 Crown BigX 1300 prototype v1.5.0.0
Crown BigX Prototype 1300
I want to share my BigX 1300 prototype with you guys
Since there are only a handful of pictures of this vehicle left on the Internet,
I tried to make it as original as possible.
The BigX is equipped with a Liebherr engine with 26l displacement and 1500hp.
What I did:
Converted to 3 axes
Body adapted
Added color choice
In the future I would like to publish a second version
With colored tire designation, carbon parts, tinted windows etc.
Publication on other sites ONLY with original download link.
Modell: Pepperonie Script: Achimobil Sound: Vassili_k98