FS22 Hof Bergmann allotment planting potatoes v1.0.3.0

FS22 Hof Bergmann allotment planting potatoes v1.0.3.0
It can be produced on all allotment beds with the use of these mod potatoes
Version 1.0.3
Corrected copy error in modDesk.xml
Installation of the mod can be found in the enclosed instructions, or you can watch the video instructions from H0mer or Prodax CH.
LS22 HOF BERGMANN [Tutorial]: Plant allotment potatoes ← H0mer
LS22 | farm miner | Potatoes in the allotment ← Prodax CH
Thank you both for the video instructions :thumbs_up:
FS22_openAirGarden prevents further spawning of sacks after 3x spawn of potato sacks!
Make a backup copy of the Hof Bergmann or exchanged files.
This version currently only works with HB, an update will be made when is available for everyone!
Have fun farming!