FS22 Holmewold Farm 22 v1.3.0.0

FS22 Maps

FS22 Holmewold Farm 22 v1.3.0.0

Welcome to Holmewold Farm 22.

Added MTA.
Updated multifruit.
Fixed stones.
Fixed electric pole grounds missing.
Added Maize+ support.
Updated tree shaders.
Fixed car shadow missing.
Changed to placeables xml to mapdir.
Added Horse grass, spelt and triticale.
Added some base game vehicles with multifruit compatibility.
Added alfalfa hay clover hay horse grass and horse grass hay to bunkers.
Added fermented alfalfa clover and horse grass to BGA.
Updated contributors.
Fixed holes in hedges on some locations.
Redone conversion of the fruit density so there’s more decretive foliage.
Fixed 2 collisions on hedges.
Stitched traffic splines and set to in real life speed limits.
Added field brush prefab.
Pheasant feeders now moveable.
Added goat milk support to sheep pens.
Completely new crop calendar.
Stretched a barrier trigger by the selling yard next to the BGA pen so that it activates sooner.
Moved the weighing station display to the left and made the cones moveable at the the selling yard.
The premium expansion self-propelled vegetable harvester crashes your game due to how many fruits I’ve added, this is known by giants but swept under the rug.
I just want to state the multifruit in this map was made by Jinkou89, and many edits to it were done by me, unfortunately, I believe he no longer mods for fs due to an argument over some things permission, however before he quit he gave me permission to use it just to be clear on that area.

– A 4x map exactly replicating a picturesque area of the Yorkshire Wolds (England) using satellite imagery and real terrain elevation data.
– 133 fields spanning almost 2500 acres (1000ha); all have contracts enabled
– Wide range of field sizes from 1 or 2 acres all the way upto the largest at 70 acres
– Realistic 2 metre margins on all fields
– True-to-life replication of field layouts, buildings and yard arrangements
– 6 large farm yards all with built-in workshop triggers and diesel tanks (some with built-in grain storage facilities or silage bunkers where appropriate). Further outbuildings dotted across the map
– Custom built-in livestock pens for sheep, pigs and cattle
– 4 sell points
– Custom ground, crop and grass textures
– Animated gates and shed doors
– Fully seasons compatible

The map’s size and abundance of yards lends itself well to multiplayer gameplay. Please bear in mind this map is equivalent to 4 regular maps stitched together and hence will require more computational power than a standard map.
I hope you enjoy farming in God’s county.

Converter notes:
All done as best as possible

MARVVV Yorkshire Modding Trickster

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