FS22 Krone Liner Pack v1.0.0.0

FS22 Krone Liner Pack v1.0.0.0
This mod contains 2 Krone semi-trailers: rework Profi Liner, brand new Cool Liner.
– New Configurations for side panel and rear design. Including a new foldable rear lifting platform.
– Interactive Control, Universal Autoload, Central Warehouse Pack support. Adjustable autoloading area.
– Liftable axle and realistic suspension animation. Rationalized vehicle center of mass position and tire friction scale.
– Wearable & washable.
Known issues:
These trailers already include the IC code for the lifting & lowing function of the rear platform.
However, Interactive Control does not support this function at present but player can control the platform lifting after entering the vehicle. And this leads to warning appearing in the game but it does not cause any adverse effects. I have left a message to TobiasF92 requesting to add liftt_lower function.