FS22 Metal-Fach N267 v1.0.0.0

FS22 Metal-Fach N267 v1.0.0.0
Hello, I am giving you the Metal-Facha spreader which I converted with a friend some time ago. I publish it because it is on my hard drive, I rarely use it, but it may be useful to someone.
The animations have everything working elegantly, all of them.
There are two bugs that do not interfere with the gameplay. One is because I forgot to remove the lights in the editor and the other is from the hook, but the spreader attaches normally.
Price: 21,700
Capacity: 8000l
Power requirement: 65 HP
Working width: 6.5 M
Greetings to my friend who helped me with this spreader and in teaching me how to add animation to spreaders.
Credits:FS17 - Arikson FS19 - Nie wiem kto był bo dużo wersji było wydanych FS22 - WaneleQ, Danio8940