FS22 Multi Blade v1.0.0.1

FS22 Multi Blade v1.0.0.1
Changelog v1.0.0.1
Fixed workArea of earth ripper – piles/silos will not be destroyed anymore
All color options have default colors available now
This multifunctional shield is suitable for almost any application due to its various expansion options.
Whether for leveling the silo, moving wood or mucking out the stable… the various attachment options leave nothing to be desired.
Price: $5860
Width: 8.2 – 11.1 ft/2 – 3.4m
Shop category: misc
8.2ft or 11.1ft (foldable) version
Different coupling types (FL, WL, three-point)
Different edges (straight, serrated, “rock”)
Optional extension frame with/without grid
Optional gripper arms (only in 2m version)
Optional warning stripes (red/white or yellow/black)
Optional work lights (cannot be combined with gripper arms)
Various color options for the different mounting options
Winch (requires Platinum Expansion to work properly – else only visual)
Earth ripper controllable via mouse and act as a cultivator