FS22 Ottavioli Dehondt Tass’ligne 4m v1.0.0.1
FS22 Ottavioli Dehondt Tass’ligne 4m v1.0.0.1
Dehondt brand tillage tool or front cup.
Cylinder problem resolved
A big thank you to Maxoume27
Ottavioli Dehondt Tass’ligne:
Working width: 4 m
Power requirement: 160 hp
Front tool.
Price: €13,200
Excuse me for the inconvenience caused by the cylinder when folding because the movement is not the desired movement even if it does not bother during use. If anyone manages to correct the movement they can contact me with pleasure. This is a first version of this 4m, it will surely be improved later.
Credits:Jules Modding