FS22 Street Lantern I v1.0.0.0

FS22 Street Lantern I v1.0.0.0
A street lamp package with 18 different lamp types or designs. From the classic to the modern and solar model, everything is included.
Street lights
Purchase price: €0
Maintenance costs: 1 € / day (except the solar models (0 €))
Shop category: Building / Decoration / Lamps
Languages: German, English, Français, Italiano, Spanish, Polski
MOD file size: 9,85 MB
The lamps all have their own individual bulbs, they do not correspond to the uniform Giants (game) lamps in terms of brightness and color!
Credits:Giants Software GmbH (Spieleentwickler) Forbidden-Mods (Publisher) Landbauer (FBM-Modder) Thorsten73 (MOD-Tester)