FS22 Tool Shed v1.0.1

FS22 Tool Shed v1.0.1
A simple wooden tool shed with a sliding door and interior lighting. Optionally empty, with some interior decoration and workshop function to repair or change vehicles and machines, etc.
An icon error (Wrench Marker) has been corrected/fixed
A new snow mask has been created
Tool shed
Purchase price: €7,500
Maintenance costs: 0 € per day
Tool shed (workshop function)
Purchase price: €9,500
Maintenance costs: 15 € per day
Shop Category: Build / Buildings / Tools
Languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Spanish, Polski
File size of MOD: 17,80 MB
Giants Software GmbH (Spieleentwickler) Forbidden-Mods (Publisher) Landbauer (FBM-Modder)